Entertainment Weekly Box Office It Home Again

Place where tickets are sold to the public for admission to an event

A box function or ticket office is a place where tickets are sold to the public for access to an event. Patrons may perform the transaction at a countertop, through a pigsty in a wall or window, or at a wicket. Past extension, the term is frequently used, especially in the context of the film industry, equally a synonym for the amount of business organization a detail product, such every bit a movie or theatre show, receives.[ane]

Box function business can be measured in the terms of the number of tickets sold or the amount of money raised by ticket sales (revenue). The projection and analysis of these earnings is very important for the creative industries and often a source of interest for fans. This is predominant in the Hollywood movie industry.

To make up one's mind if a picture show made a profit, it is non correct to directly compare the box office gross with the production budget, because the picture show theater keeps nearly half of the gross on boilerplate. The separate varies from movie to movie, and the percent for the distributor is more often than not higher in early weeks. Commonly the benefactor gets a percentage of the acquirement after first deducting a "house allowance" or "house nut". Information technology is also mutual that the distributor gets either a percentage of the gross revenue, or a higher percentage of the acquirement later deducting the nut, whichever is larger.[2] [3] The benefactor's share of the box office gross is ofttimes referred to as the "distributor rentals", especially for box role reporting of older films.[4]

Etymology [edit]

The term is attested since 1786,[5] presumably from sales of boxes (private seating areas in a theater).[6] [vii] The sense of "total sales" is attested from 1904.[5]

A folk etymology is that this derives from Elizabethan theatre (i.e. late 16th century), where theater admission was collected in a box fastened to a long stick, passed effectually the audition;[6] [7] comparable to "bottle" in Punch and Judy, where money was collected in a canteen. Yet, beginning attestation is virtually 200 years later, making this highly unlikely.


The following is film industry specific terminology used by box office reporters such as Diversity and Box Role Mojo.[8] For films released in Northward America, box office figures are normally divided between domestic, meaning the United States and Canada, and foreign which includes all other countries. Weekly box office figures are now unremarkably taken to be from Friday through Thursday to allow for the fact that most films are officially released in the United States on a Fri. With Variety beingness published for many years every Wednesday, most weekly box part figures they reported from the 1920s to the 1990s were for the week from Thursday to Wed. A large component of the weekly gross is the weekend box office. Historically, this was reported as the box office receipts around Fri through Sunday plus whatever public holidays close to the weekend, such every bit a 4-day Memorial Solar day weekend, however, with the increased regularity of reporting of box office figures, a comparable three-mean solar day figure for the Friday to Lord's day is now too used. In particular, the weekend box office for the initial week of release, or opening weekend, is ofttimes widely reported. (See List of biggest opening weekends.)

Theaters is the number of theaters in which the movie is showing. Since a unmarried theater may show a movie on multiple screens, the total number of screens or engagements is used equally another measure out. The theaters measure is used to classify whether a movie is in wide release, meaning at least 600 theaters, or limited release which is less than 600 theaters. Occasionally, a film may achieve broad release afterwards an initial limited release; Little Miss Sunshine is an example of this.

Gross refers to gross earnings. On average, the moving-picture show'due south benefactor receives a piddling more than half of the final gross (often referred to equally the rentals) with the remainder going to the exhibitor (i.e., movie theater).

Multiple is the ratio of a film'southward total gross to that of the opening weekend. A film that earns $20 1000000 on its opening weekend and finishes with $lxxx one thousand thousand has a multiple of 4. From 2004 to 2014, films viewers graded equally A+ on CinemaScore had a 4.eight multiple, while films graded as F had a 2.2 multiple.[9]

Admissions refers to the number of tickets sold at the box office. In countries such as France, box office reporting was historically reported in terms of admissions, with rules regulated past the regime and fines issued if exhibitors failed to report the information.[10] Other countries which historically reported box function figures in terms of admissions include European countries such as Federal republic of germany, Italy, and Kingdom of spain, the Soviet Union, and S Korea. Box Office Mojo estimates the Due north American ticket sales past dividing the domestic box office gross by the average ticket toll (ATP) of a given twelvemonth, a method that Box Function India uses to gauge Indian footfalls (ticket sales). See List of films by box office admissions for the films with the highest known estimated ticket sales.

Box office lists [edit]

For lists of films which are major box-office hits, run into Listing of highest-grossing films, List of films by box part admissions and Lists of highest-grossing films. Films that are considered to have been very unsuccessful at the box part are chosen box office bombs or box part flops. For a list of these films, see List of box part bombs.

Box office reporting [edit]

At that place are numerous websites that monitor box-part receipts, such every bit BoxOffice, Box Function Mojo, The Numbers, A Box Function, Box Function India, Koimoi and ShowBIZ Data. These sites provide box office information for hundreds of movies. Data for older movies is often incomplete due to the way box office reporting evolved, especially in the U.S., and the availability of data prior to the introduction of the internet.[ citation needed ]

History [edit]

Rise of Hollywood [edit]

Variety started reporting box office results by theatre on March 3, 1922 to requite exhibitors around the land data on a moving picture'southward functioning on Broadway, which was often where starting time run showings of a flick were held. In addition to New York Metropolis, they also endeavoured to include all of the key cities in the U.Due south. in hereafter and initially likewise reported results for 10 other cities including Chicago and Los Angeles.[11]

In 1929, the outset effect of The Pic Annual was released and included a list of the top 104 grossing films for the by twelvemonth.[12] In 1932, Multifariousness published the studios' summit-grossing films of the year and has maintained this tradition annually since.[13] In 1937, BoxOffice magazine began publishing box function reports.[xiv] Offset in the 1930s, BoxOffice mag published a Barometer issue in Jan, which reported the operation of movies for the year expressed as percentages.[15] [ ameliorate source needed ]

Golden era of motion picture [edit]

In 1946, Variety started to publish a weekly National Box Role survey on page 3 indicating the performance of the week's hits and flops based on the box part results of 25 cardinal U.S. cities.[16] [17]

Later in 1946, Variety published a listing of All-Time Pinnacle Grossers with a list of films that had achieved or gave promise of earning $4,000,000 or more in domestic (U.S. and Canada) theatrical rentals.[18] This became a leading source of data for a moving-picture show's performance.[19] Variety would publish an updated all-time listing annually for over fifty years, unremarkably in their anniversary edition each January.[19] [20] [21] The anniversary edition would besides normally contain the list of the acme performing films of the twelvemonth.

Dawn of modernistic moving picture industry [edit]

In the belatedly 1960s, Variety used an IBM 360 computer to collate the grosses from their weekly reports of 22 to 24 U.South. cities from January ane, 1968. The data came from upward to 800 theatres which represented around 5% of the U.S. cinema population at the fourth dimension merely around 1-3rd of the total U.Southward. box office grosses. In 1969, Diverseness started to publish a list of the pinnacle 50 grossing films each week.[22] "The Love Problems" was the number one on the first chart published for the week ending Apr 16, 1969.[23] The chart was discontinued in 1990.[24]

In 1974, Nat Fellman founded Exhibitor Relations Co., the first company gear up upwards to track box function grosses, which information technology collected from the studios.[25] Two years after, Marcy Polier, an employee of the Mann theater chain, set up Centralized Grosses to collate U.S. daily box function data on a centralized basis from theaters rather than each theater concatenation collating their own numbers from other theater chains. The company later became National Gross Service then Amusement Information, Inc. (EDI).[26]

Except for disclosures by the studios on very successful films, total domestic (U.S. and Canada) box office gross data for films was non readily bachelor until National Gross Service started to collate this data around 1981. The collation of grosses led to wider reporting of domestic box part grosses for films. Arthur D. Murphy, a former U.South. Navy lieutenant at Variety was one of the first to organize and nautical chart that data and report it in a meaningful class.[27] During the 1980s, Daily Variety started to publish a weekly chart of the domestic box office grosses of films collated from the studios as compared to the Top 50 chart in Variety which was based on a sample of theatre grosses from key markets.

Gradually the focus of a film's performance became its box office gross rather than the rentals that Variety continued to report annually. Prior to the tracking of these grosses, domestic or worldwide box office grosses is not bachelor for many earlier films so the merely domestic or worldwide data bachelor is even so often the rental figures.

Tater started to publish Art Murphy'due south Box Function Register annually from 1984 detailing U.S. box office grosses.[27]

In 1984, EDI started to report Canadian grosses also and by 1985 was reporting data for 15,000 screens. In 1987, EDI set up a database of box office information which included information on certain films back to 1970. By 1991, all U.South. studios had agreed to share their complete information reports with EDI.[28] In 1990, EDI opened an office in the U.k., moved into Frg in 1993 and Spain in 1995 reporting box office data for those markets.[29] EDI were acquired past ACNielsen Corporation in 1997 for $26 million and became Nielsen EDI.[30]

By the 1990s, Daily Variety started to report studio'south weekend estimates from Sundays on Monday mornings which led to other media reporting the data earlier.[25] When Entertainment Weekly was launched in 1990 it started to publish the peak ten box office weekend lists from Exhibitor Relations and the company was as well supplying box part information to companies such as the Los Angeles Times, CNN and the Associated Press.[25]

In 1994, Diverseness published their starting time annual global box office chart showing the top 100 grossing films internationally for the prior year.[31]

On August seven, 1998, Box Office Mojo was launched by Brandon Grayness and in 1999 he started posting the Friday grosses sourced from Exhibitor Relations and then that they were publicly bachelor for free online on Saturdays[25] and posted the Dominicus estimates on Sundays.[32] In July 2008, Box Role Mojo was purchased by Amazon.com through its subsidiary, IMDb.[33] [34]

Modern film industry [edit]

Rentrak started tracking box function data from point of auction in 2001 and started to rival EDI in providing the studios with data.[35] In December 2009, Rentrak acquired Nielsen EDI for $15 million, and became the sole provider of worldwide box role ticket sales revenue and omnipresence information which is used by many of the websites noted above.[36] [37]

On Oct 23, 2019, Box Office Mojo unveiled a dramatic redesign resembling IMDb, and was rebranded equally "Box Role Mojo by IMDbPro" with some of the content move to the subscription based IMDbPro.[38]

Box office reporting paused for the first fourth dimension since its inception on March 19, 2020, equally nearly all theaters nationwide were closed because of the coronavirus pandemic.[39] Only drive-in theaters, which are typically not included in box office reporting, remained open.[40]

Average ticket price [edit]

The boilerplate ticket cost (ATP) is the average cost to buy a movie ticket at the box part in whatever given year. According to the UNESCO Constitute for Statistics, the ATP is "calculated as the full revenues generated from tickets sales divided by the number of feature motion picture tickets sold during the twelvemonth of reference."[41]

Year[42] USA[43] Britain[44] [45] Nippon[46] India[47] France[48] [49] EU[l] [49] People's republic of china[51] [52] USSR[53] Worldwide [USD][54]
1950 Due north/A £0.08 ($0.22) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1.75 руб [55] ($0.33) North/A
1951 $0.53 £0.08 ($0.22) N/A N/A Northward/A N/A N/A N/A
1952 North/A
1953 $0.60
1954 $0.45 £0.09 ($0.25)
1955 N/A £0.09 ($0.25) ¥63 ($0.xviii)
1956 $0.50 £0.09 ($0.25) ¥62 ($0.17) N/A ane.22 F ($0.35)[56]
1957 N/A £0.x ($0.28) ¥62 ($0.17) N/A 1.33 F [57] ($0.37)
1958 N/A £0.xi ($0.31) ¥64 ($0.18) N/A N/A
1959 $0.51 £0.12 ($0.34) ¥65 ($0.xviii)
1960 Due north/A £0.xiii ($0.36) ¥72 ($0.20) 1.35 ($0.28)
1961 $0.69 £0.13 ($0.36) ¥85 ($0.24)
1962 $0.seventy £0.14 ($0.39) ¥115 ($0.32)
1963 $0.85 £0.fifteen ($0.42) ¥152 ($0.42) ₹1.44 ($0.xxx) N/A Northward/A Due north/A 0.25 руб [58] ($0.28)
1964 $0.93 £0.17 ($0.48) ¥178 ($0.49) ₹1.45 ($0.30)
1965 $1.01 £0.19 ($0.53) ¥203 ($0.56) ₹1.46 ($0.31) 3.04 F [57] ($0.62)
1966 $one.09 £0.24 ($0.67) ¥219 ($0.61) ₹1.66 ($0.26) three.34 F [57] ($0.68)
1967 $1.20 £0.22 ($0.61) ¥236 ($0.66) ₹1.66 ($0.22) Northward/A
1968 $1.31 £0.24 ($0.58) ¥262 ($0.73) ₹i.67 ($0.22) N/A N/A North/A North/A
1969 $1.42 £0.27 ($0.65) ¥295 ($0.82)
1970 $one.55 £0.31 ($0.74) ¥324 ($0.xc) i.89 (US$0.25)
1971 $1.65 £0.34 ($0.83) ¥366 ($1.04)
1972 $1.70 £0.38 ($0.95) ¥411 ($1.36) one.96 (Usa$0.26)
1973 $1.77 £0.43 ($1.05) ¥500 ($1.84) 2.06 (U.s.$0.27) N/A N/A N/A $0.47 [59]
1974 $1.87 £0.50 ($ane.17) ¥631 ($2.sixteen) two.38 (US$0.3)
1975 $2.05 £0.61 ($one.35) ¥751 ($2.53) ₹ii.40 ($0.29)
1976 $2.thirteen £0.73 ($one.31) ¥852 ($2.87) 2.47 (US$0.27) Due north/A North/A N/A Northward/A
1977 $2.23 £0.83 ($1.45) ¥923 ($3.44) 2.52 (US$0.29)
1978 $2.34 £0.94 ($1.80) ¥967 ($four.60) 2.55 (US$0.31)
1979 $two.51 £1.13 ($2.39) ¥958 ($4.37) two.76 (US$0.34) N/A N/A ¥0.2[60] ($0.13)
1980 $2.69 £ane.42 ($three.30) ¥1,009 ($4.45) 2.92 (United states of america$0.37) €2.70[50] ($three.64) €ane.90 ($2.56) ¥0.2[lx] ($0.13)
1981 $2.78 £one.58 ($3.17) ¥1,093 ($four.96) 3.31 (US$0.38) N/A N/A ¥0.2[sixty] ($0.12)
1982 $ii.94 £one.67 ($2.92) ¥one,092 ($iv.38) 4.21 (US$0.44) N/A N/A ¥0.2[60] ($0.11) 0.50 руб [61] ($0.72)
1983 $3.fifteen £1.90 ($2.88) ¥one,093 ($four.60) 4.21 (US$0.42) Due north/A N/A ¥0.2[threescore] ($0.x) Due north/A
1984 $3.36 £1.91 ($ii.54) ¥i,144 ($iv.82) 4.21 (US$0.37) N/A N/A ¥0.2[60] ($0.09)
1985 $three.55 £1.71 ($2.19) ¥1,118 ($4.69) 4.38 (US$0.35) €3.70[50] ($2.71) €3.10 ($2.27) Northward/A
1986 $3.71 £1.88 ($2.76) ¥one,116 ($vi.62) 4.24 (US$0.34) North/A N/A
1987 $3.91 £2.xv ($3.51) ¥ane,120 ($7.74) N/A
1988 $4.11 £2.30 ($four.09) ¥1,118 ($viii.72)
1989 $3.97 £2.33 ($three.81) ¥1,161 ($eight.42)
1990 $4.23 £ii.81 ($four.99) ¥1,177 ($8.13) N/A €iv.50[l] ($v.71) €iv.20 ($5.32)
1991 $4.21 £3.03 ($5.34) ¥1,181 ($8.77) N/A N/A North/A
1992 $4.15 £3.21 ($v.63) ¥1,210 ($ix.55)
1993 $4.xiv £3.21 ($4.81) ¥1,252 ($xi.26)
1994 $four.18 £iii.25 ($four.97) ¥1,249 ($12.22) xi.05 (U.s.$0.35)[62]
1995 $iv.35 £3.48 ($five.49) ¥one,243 ($thirteen.21) 14.37 (The states$0.44)[63] €5.xxx[50] ($7.06) €four.70 ($6.26)
1996 $4.42 £3.70 ($5.77) ¥one,245 ($11.45) 15.70 (U.s.$0.44)[64] €5.40[fifty] ($6.97) €4.fourscore ($6.nineteen)
1997 $4.59 £4.07 ($6.66) ¥ane,259 ($x.41) 17.92 (US$0.49)[65] €five.30[fifty] ($5.99) €5.00 ($5.65)
1998 $4.69 £4.03 ($6.67) ¥1,264 ($9.66) 19.66 (US$0.48)[66] €5.30[fifty] ($5.90) €5.10 ($5.68)
1999 $5.08 £4.21 ($six.81) ¥1,263 ($xi.09) ₹21.51[67] ($0.50) €five.40[50] ($5.75) €5.30 ($v.64)
2000 $5.39 £4.40 ($6.66) ¥i,262 ($11.71) 24.07 (US$0.54)[68] €5.40[fifty] ($iv.97) €5.40 ($4.97)
2001 $5.66 £four.fourteen ($5.96) ¥1,226 ($10.09) 26.66 (US$0.57)[69] €five.l[50] ($4.83) €5.60 ($5.01)
2002 $5.81 £4.29 ($6.43) ¥1,224 ($9.76) 29.98 (United states of america$0.62)[lxx] N/A Northward/A
2003 $half dozen.03 £4.44 ($seven.25) ¥one,252 ($x.viii) 35.77 (US$0.77)[71]
2004 $6.21 £4.49 ($8.22) ¥i,240 ($11.46) 42.14 (US$0.93)[72]
2005 $half-dozen.41 £4.71 ($8.56) ¥1,235 ($xi.21) 49.16 (Us$i.11)[73] €five.ninety[51] ($seven.33) Northward/A ¥12.seven ($i.55)
2006 $6.55 £4.87 ($viii.96) ¥1,233 ($10.lx) 53.91 (U.s.$i.19)[74] €5.ninety[51] ($7.40) Due north/A ¥14.9 ($i.87)
2007 $6.88 £5.05 ($ten.10) ¥i,216 ($ten.33) 60.73 (Usa$1.47)[75] €v.90[51] ($8.07) N/A ¥16.ix ($2.22)
2008 $vii.18 £5.20 ($9.56) ¥ane,214 ($11.75) ₹69.76[76] ($1.60) €half dozen ($eight.82) N/A ¥20.1 ($2.89)
2009 $7.50 £five.44 ($8.47) ¥1,217 ($thirteen.01) 78.63 (US$i.62)[77] €vi.xiv N/A ¥23.5 ($3.44)
2010 $7.89 £5.95 ($nine.19) ¥1,266 ($14.42) 88.60 (US$1.94)[78] €6.33 N/A ¥35.i ($5.18)
2011 $vii.93 £6.06 ($nine.71) ¥ane,252 ($15.69) ₹95.48[79] ($2.05) €6.33 N/A ¥35.4 ($5.48)
2012 $7.96 £vi.37 ($10.06) ¥i,258 ($15.77) ₹101.74[fourscore] €6.42 Due north/A ¥36.3 ($5.75)
2013 $8.13 £6.53 ($ten.210) ¥1,246 ₹109.75[81] €6.46 N/A ¥35.half-dozen ($five.75)
2014[82] $8.17 £six.72 ($13.thirty) ¥1,285 ($17.67) ₹117.89[83] ($3.22) €6.38 ($12.29) Due north/A ¥35.seven ($5.81) N/A $iv.74
2015 $viii.43 £7.21 ¥1,303 ₹125.97[84] €vi.48 N/A ¥35 N/A $4.86
2016 $eight.65 £7.41 ¥ane,307 ₹131.57[85] €half-dozen.51 Due north/A ¥35[86] Northward/A $4.99
2017 $8.97 £7.49 ¥1,310 ₹134.38[87] €six.60[51] N/A ¥34.5 N/A $5.11
2018 $9.11 £7.22 ¥1,315 N/A N/A N/A Due north/A North/A $five.16
2019 $9.01 £7.11 ¥one,340 Northward/A Northward/A Due north/A N/A N/A N/A
2020 $9.37 N/A N/A

Benefactor rentals [edit]

Box-function figures are reported in the form of either gross receipts or benefactor rentals, the latter being particularly true of older films. Ordinarily mistaken for domicile video acquirement, the rentals are the distributor'southward share of the picture's theatrical revenue i.due east. the box office gross less the exhibitor'due south cut.[88] [89] Historically, the rental price averaged at 30–40% when the distributors owned the theater bondage, equating to merely over a third of the gross being paid to the benefactor of the motion picture.[90] In the modern marketplace, rental fees tin vary greatly—depending on a number of factors—although the films from the major studios average out at 43%.[88]

Almanac rentals % of box function gross receipts
Yr United States[91] Usa and Canada[91] Japan[46]
1939 36.4%[90] N/A N/A
1955 N/A North/A 58.four%
1956 N/A N/A 56.iii%
1957 Due north/A N/A 55.two%
1958 N/A Northward/A 54.5%
1959 Due north/A N/A 55.0%
1960 N/A N/A 54.six%
1961 N/A N/A 53.2%
1962 N/A N/A 50.1%
1963 N/A N/A 47.2%
1964 N/A Northward/A 44.vi%
1965 27.6% 29.8% 44.vii%
1966 Due north/A Due north/A 42.two%
1967 N/A Due north/A xl.9%
1968 N/A Northward/A 40.two%
1969 N/A N/A 39.9%
1970 26.7% 28.half dozen% 37.7%
1971 Due north/A N/A 38.iv%
1972 Due north/A N/A 37.3%
1973 N/A N/A 38.0%
1974 Northward/A N/A 38.0%
1975 29.7% 32.seven% 39.4%
1976 28.3% 31.iii% 39.0%
1977 36.half dozen% 39.4% 39.9%
1978 42.4% 45.3% 41.two%
1979 37.8% forty.five% 39.0%
1980 43.0% 46.4% 38.2%
1981 39.2% 42.2% 37.9%
1982 38.9% 41.8% 38.v%
1983 34.5% 37.0% 42.3%
1984 32.half-dozen% 35.3% 39.6%
1985 29.vi% 31.half dozen% forty.0%
1986 30.7% 33.1% twoscore.5%
1987 29.three% 31.5% 39.5%
1988 31.seven% 34.5% 40.5%
1989 35.4% 38.iv% twoscore.3%
1990 36.4% 39.4% 41.3%
1991 38.v% 41.3% 40.7%
1992 41.two% 43.eight% 41.0%
1993 38.8% 41.iii% 43.9%
1994 37.viii% forty.ii% 41.eight%
1995 43.6% 45.6% 43.4%
1996 forty.9% 43.iv% 42.five%
1997 41.5% 44.ii% 44.3%
1998 40.1% 42.vi% 45.1%
1999 41.9% 44.seven% 45.3%
2000 37.2% 39.7% N/A

See besides [edit]

  • Box role territory
  • Box-office bomb
  • Motion-picture show industry
  • Listing of films past box role admissions
  • List of highest-grossing films
  • List of highest-grossing non-English films
  • Lists of box office number-one films
  • Lists of highest-grossing films
  • Will phone call

References [edit]

  1. ^ box role, Merriam-Webster
  2. ^ Amusement.howstuffworks.com
  3. ^ Express.howstuffworks.com[one]
  4. ^ Cones, John W. (1997). The feature motion picture distribution deal: a critical analysis of the single most of import picture show industry understanding. Southern Illinois University Press. p. 41. ISBN978-0-8093-2082-0.
  5. ^ a b box part Archived 2020-05-09 at the Wayback Machine in the Online Etymology Dictionary, Douglas Harper, 2001
  6. ^ a b William and Mary Morris, Morris Lexicon of Give-and-take and Phrase Origins, HarperCollins, New York, 1977, 1988
  7. ^ a b Robert Hendrickson, Encyclopedia of Discussion and Phrase Origins, Facts on File, New York, 1997
  8. ^ "Office Tracking by Fourth dimension". Box Function Mojo. Retrieved 2010-01-12 .
  9. ^ Busch, Anita (August 9, 2014). "B Grade For 'Turtles': What CinemaScores Mean And Why Exit Polling Matters". Deadline Hollywood . Retrieved August 20, 2014.
  10. ^ Klady, Leonard (January iv, 1994). "Feeling crunched by B.O. number crunchers". Daily Multifariousness. p. 39.
  11. ^ "Business on Broadway Figures For Exhibitors' Information". Variety. March 3, 1922. p. 47 – via Annal.org.
  12. ^ Exhibitors Herald-World (1929). The Motion Picture Almanac 1929. Media History Digital Library. New York, The Quigley Publishing Company.
  13. ^ "Six Best Money Stars". Variety. January v, 1932. p. ane – via Archive.org.
  14. ^ Singer, Matt (2013-01-17). "Boxoffice Mag Stops Publishing Moving-picture show Reviews". IndieWire . Retrieved 2019-05-20 .
  15. ^ "BoxOffice Barometer A Review of 1947 A Preview of 1948". Retrieved April 23, 2018 – via Annal.org.
  16. ^ "Lent and Weather Easing Some B.O.southward But 'Torso,' 'Adventure,' 'Utopia' 'Big'". Variety. April 3, 1946. p. 3 – via Archive.org.
  17. ^ Golden, Herb (June 19, 2003). "How Box Part Reporting Was Built". Simesite. Archived from the original on August x, 2003. Retrieved July 5, 2020.
  18. ^ "All-Fourth dimension Top Grossers". Variety. September 25, 1946. p. 5 – via Archive.org.
  19. ^ a b Finler, Joel W. (April 2, 1992), The Hollywood Story (Second ed.), Mandarin, p. 483, ISBN0-7493-0637-8
  20. ^ "All-Fourth dimension Height Film Rentals". Variety. 1998. Archived from the original on October 7, 1999. Retrieved July five, 2020.
  21. ^ "Rental Champs Rate of Return". Variety. December 15, 1997. Retrieved March xi, 2018.
  22. ^ "Computerized B.O. Chart Due". Diverseness. April sixteen, 1969. p. 3.
  23. ^ "fifty Superlative-Grossing Films". Variety. April 23, 1969. p. 11.
  24. ^ "Variety 's Grosses Report". Variety. February fourteen, 1990. p. 5.
  25. ^ a b c d Hayes, Dade; Bing, Jonathan (2004). Open up Broad: How Hollywood Box Office Became a National Obsession . Miramax Books. pp. 295–7. ISBN1401352006.
  26. ^ Benson-Allott, Caetlin (2013). Killer Tapes and Shattered Screens: Video Spectatorship from VHS to File Sharing. University of California Press. p. 149. ISBN9780520954496.
  27. ^ a b Berkshire, Geoffrey (June eighteen, 2003). "Art Murphy Exits". Simesite. Archived from the original on November 15, 2003. Retrieved July 5, 2020.
  28. ^ Hindes, Andrew (November xviii, 1996). "Number's Game". Diverseness. p. 43.
  29. ^ Hindes, Andrew (Nov 18, 1996). "Outfit keeps tabs on overseas moving picture sales". Variety. p. 48.
  30. ^ "ACNielsen takes EDI off the marquee". Multifariousness . Retrieved March vii, 2018. December 18, 1997
  31. ^ Klady, Leonard (January 3, 1994). "Top 100 pix take $eight bil globally". Variety. p. 1. Retrieved October 4, 2019.
  32. ^ "Brandon Gray'due south Box Role Mojo". Box Office Mojo. October 7, 1999. Archived from the original on October 8, 1999. Retrieved May 3, 2020.
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  35. ^ Hayes, Dade; Bing, Jonathan (2004). Open Wide: How Hollywood Box Role Became a National Obsession . Miramax Books. pp. 288–9. ISBN1401352006.
  36. ^ Gunderson, Laura (Feb 8, 2010). "Portland-based Rentrak posts Q3 loss". The Oregonian . Retrieved Feb 9, 2010.
  37. ^ "Rentrak buys Nielsen EDI, consolidating box office reporting business concern". Los Angeles Times . Retrieved Apr 9, 2011.
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  39. ^ "Reporter's Notebook: The Weekend When Box Office Striking Cypher for the Kickoff Time". The Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved 2020-03-27 .
  40. ^ "Weekend Box Office Hits Aught for the Commencement Fourth dimension in 26 Years". Movieweb. 2020-03-23. Retrieved 2020-03-27 .
  41. ^ "Average ticket toll (ATP)". UNESCO Institute for Statistics. UNESCO. 22 June 2020. Retrieved 16 July 2020.
  42. ^ Antweiler, Werner (2019). "Pacific Exchange Rate Service" (PDF). UBC Sauder School of Business. University of British Columbia. Retrieved 8 Feb 2019.
  43. ^ "Box Office Mojo by IMDbPro FAQ (How are grosses adjusted for ticket toll inflation?)". IMDb . Retrieved sixteen July 2020.
  44. ^ "United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland cinema ticket prices". Terra Media . Retrieved 16 July 2020.
  45. ^ "Average ticket price". UK Movie house Clan . Retrieved 16 July 2020.
  46. ^ a b "Statistics of Pic Industry in Japan (Year 1955 - 1999)". Eiren. Motion Motion picture Producers Association of Japan. Retrieved 17 Feb 2019.
  47. ^ Mittal, Ashok (1995). Cinema Industry in India: Pricing and Taxation. Indus Publishing. pp. 71 & 77. ISBN9788173870231.
  48. ^ "Average movie house ticket price in France 2009-2016". Statista. November 2017. Retrieved 16 July 2020.
  49. ^ a b "Historical exchange rates (EUR)". fxtop.com . Retrieved 22 July 2020.
  50. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k "Cinema market". Cinema, Television set and radio in the European union: Statistics on audiovisual services (Data 1980-2002). Europa (2003 ed.). Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. 2003. pp. 31–64 (61). ISBN92-894-5709-0. ISSN 1725-4515. Retrieved 23 May 2020.
  51. ^ a b c d eastward "UIS Statistics". UNESCO Institute for Statistics. UNESCO. Retrieved 3 May 2019.
  52. ^ "Official commutation rate (LCU per The states$, catamenia average) - China". World Bank . Retrieved 22 July 2020.
  53. ^ "Archive". Central Bank of Russia (in Russian). Archived from the original on 29 December 2009. Retrieved 11 September 2012.
  54. ^ "Boilerplate actual movie house admission toll worldwide from 2014 to 2018". Statista . Retrieved xviii July 2020.
  55. ^ "Political Affairs". Political Affairs. New Century Publishers. 29: 80. 1950. In moving picture theaters the price of tickets ranges from 2-half dozen rubles at first-run houses, and from 50 kopeks to one ruble fifty kopeks in neighborhood houses and clubs.
  56. ^ "French Film Industry Broken-hearted Despite Increase in Features". Foreign Commerce Weekly. Usa Department of Commerce. 58: 35. August 5, 1957.
  57. ^ a b c "The ... Film Daily Year Book of Move Pictures". The ... Film Daily Year Book of Motion Pictures. J.W. Alicoate. 49 (1967): 560. 1967. (...) 1966 represent only a ane per cent turn down from the preceding year, the average ticket cost having increased from three.04 F to iii.34 F. Thus, the level of receipts is safeguarded by a constant process of re-evaluating the ticket prices. (The average cost in 1957 was only one.33 F.)
  58. ^ Roth-Ey, Kristin (2011). "Chapter 1: The Soviet Film Industry" (PDF). Moscow Prime Fourth dimension: How the Soviet Wedlock Congenital the Media Empire that Lost the Cultural Cold War. Cornell Academy Press. pp. 47–8. ISBN978-0-8014-4874-4.
  59. ^ "Cinema Going". The Asian Messenger. Centre for Advice Studies, Chinese University. i–4: ii. 1975. More Russians (iv.5 billion) go to the movies more times (an average of 17.vii times per person) each twelvemonth than people in any other country, according to UNESCO statistics for 1973, the last twelvemonth for which figures are bachelor. Tailing the Russians are Singaporeans, 17.1 times a year, and Hong Kong people, 15.1 times a year. Italians go x times, Britons 2.4 times and Frenchmen 3.5 times a year. The high frequency of moving picture going in Russia is attributed to the low price of flick admission, the drab quality of Soviet TV and the difficulty in getting seats at a eating house or other places of entertainment. In Russian federation, where a movie ticket costs about 47 Usa cents, there are 154,200 cinemas.
  60. ^ Soviet Military Review. Krasnaya Zveda Publishing House. 1982. p. 7.
  61. ^ "Releases 1994". Box Office India . Retrieved sixteen July 2020.
  62. ^ "Releases 1995". Box Office India . Retrieved 16 July 2020.
  63. ^ "Releases 1996". Box Part Republic of india . Retrieved sixteen July 2020.
  64. ^ "Releases 1997". Box Part India . Retrieved sixteen July 2020.
  65. ^ "Releases 1998". Box Office Bharat . Retrieved sixteen July 2020.
  66. ^ "Releases 1999". Box Office India . Retrieved 16 July 2020.
  67. ^ "Releases 2000". Box Office India . Retrieved xvi July 2020.
  68. ^ "Releases 2001". Box Part Bharat . Retrieved 16 July 2020.
  69. ^ "Releases 2002". Box Role India . Retrieved 16 July 2020.
  70. ^ "Releases 2003". Box Office India . Retrieved xvi July 2020.
  71. ^ "Releases 2004". Box Part India . Retrieved sixteen July 2020.
  72. ^ "Releases 2005". Box Part India . Retrieved 16 July 2020.
  73. ^ "Releases 2006". Box Office India . Retrieved xvi July 2020.
  74. ^ "Releases 2007". Box Role Republic of india . Retrieved xvi July 2020.
  75. ^ "Releases 2008". Box Office India . Retrieved 16 July 2020.
  76. ^ "Releases 2009". Box Office Bharat . Retrieved xvi July 2020.
  77. ^ "Releases 2010". Box Office Republic of india . Retrieved sixteen July 2020.
  78. ^ "Releases 2011". Box Office Republic of india . Retrieved 16 July 2020.
  79. ^ "Releases 2012". Box Office India . Retrieved 16 July 2020.
  80. ^ "Releases 2013". Box Office India . Retrieved 16 July 2020.
  81. ^ "Cinema ticket price". NationMaster . Retrieved 20 June 2020.
  82. ^ "Releases 2014". Box Office India . Retrieved sixteen July 2020.
  83. ^ "Releases 2015". Box Role Republic of india . Retrieved 16 July 2020.
  84. ^ "Releases 2016". Box Office India . Retrieved 16 July 2020.
  85. ^ "Box Part Revenue In Communist china: How Information technology Works". Communist china Picture show Insider. 15 February 2017. Retrieved 20 February 2019.
  86. ^ "Releases 2017". Box Office India . Retrieved 16 July 2020.
  87. ^ a b Cones, John Due west. (1997). The characteristic film distribution deal: a critical analysis of the single almost important motion-picture show industry agreement. Southern Illinois University Printing. p. 41. ISBN978-0-8093-2082-0. Distributor rentals: Information technology is likewise important to know and recognize the difference between the distributor'due south gross receipts and the gross rentals. The term "rentals" refers to the aggregate amount of the motion-picture show distributor's share of monies paid at theatre box offices computed on the basis of negotiated agreements between the distributor and the exhibitor. Annotation that gross receipts refers to amounts really received and from all markets and media, whereas gross rentals refers to amounts earned from theatrical exhibition only, regardless of whether received by the distributor. Thus, gross receipts is the much broader term and includes distributor rentals. The upshot of film rentals (i.e., what per centum of a moving-picture show'due south box office gross comes back to the distributor) is of key importance...More than current numbers propose that distributor rentals for the major studio/distributor released films average in the neighborhood of 43% of box office gross. Once again, however, such an boilerplate is based on widely divergent distributor rental ratios on individual films.
  88. ^ Marich, Robert (2009) [1st. pub. Focal Press:2005]. Marketing to moviegoers: a handbook of strategies used by major studios and independents (2 ed.). Southern Illinois Academy Press. p. 252. ISBN978-0-8093-2884-0. Rentals are the distributors' share of the box office gross and typically set past a complex, two-part contract.
  89. ^ a b Balio, Tino (2005). The American moving picture manufacture. University of Wisconsin Printing. p. 296. ISBN978-0-299-09874-2. Film Rentals as Percent of Book of Business organization (1939): 36.iv
  90. ^ a b Vogel, Harold L. (2010). "Table 3.iv. Motion picture theater industry statistics, 1965-2009". Entertainment Industry Economics: A Guide for Financial Analysis. Cambridge Academy Press. pp. 88–nine. ISBN978-1-139-49732-nine.

External links [edit]

  • Media related to Box offices at Wikimedia Eatables


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box_office

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